Pictureka Museum Mayhem

An unknown culprit broke into the museum after hours and re-arranged all of the exhibits. As the museum curator, you must restore the quirky items to their proper location by searching for hidden objects. Rebuild all the exhibits in a hall to catch the wacky bandits responsible and unlock new themed halls. It's up to you to restore the museum before its reputation is ruined!

  • Rebuild dozens of exhibits across 5 museum halls
  • Collect collars for your trustworthy security dog
  • Enjoy new images and game boards every time you play

Pictureka Museum Mayhem screenshots.
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Pictureka Museum Mayhem screenshot
Pictureka Museum Mayhem screenshot
Pictureka Museum Mayhem screenshot

Pictureka Museum Mayhem is free to download and play. After you download Pictureka Museum Mayhem you have 1 trial hour to decide whether you like it or not. You can buy Pictureka Museum Mayhem online right away, instantly and securely.

Restore the quirky items to their proper location by searching for hidden objects. Rebuild all the exhibits in a hall to catch the wacky bandits responsible for the mayhem! It's up to you to restore the museum before its reputation is ruined!

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